Repsonse to Jim Blazsik’s post titled: “The Republican case for Traditional Marriage: a response to Maura Flynn”

Introduction I am a bit cranky that all the responses I posted to the BLog post titled “The Republican case for Traditional Marriage: a response to Maura Flynn ” by Jim Blazsik have not been approved. My first Response was June 16, and then I made 2 more – 1 on June 23 and 24. Currently, […]

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Debate: Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil in the World?

A little about me: I am a 35 year old white married male of the Unitarian Unversalist and Centrist persuasions. I have never been a prostitute, used the services of a prostitute, nor known or known anyone who knew a prostitute. I am writing this post in a response to a debate I am participating […]

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