Real Estate Sales License Exam1 min read

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I have scheduled my exam for for Real Estate Sales License in about 2 weeks. I am taking it now just to get a feel for it so I can take it again later. Last night I took Chapter 1 and 2’s (of 24 14) practice tests and I scored 83% and 72% on them. I need a 70% on the actual test to pass, so it looks like I am doing OK so far. I have found some things that I need to brush up on.

I spent a few months studying while Tanya was last away to Belarus working on the last year of her degree. I read through the book once to get a good feel for it as well as some perspective, and then I went through it again while highlighting important passages. Now I will go through it the 3rd time and then take the test. I am hoping to pass it so I do not have to worry about and I can move on to other plans.

We shall see how that works out. =)

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