Wedding Ceremony II5 min read

Marriage Ministry Relationships Religion
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Blessing of the Water and of the Rings

Time: — min

(Blessing of the Water: (Night of Full Moon)

(Blessing of the Day : (Sunrise on Wedding Day)

(Blessing of the Rings: (Sunrise on Wedding Day after Blessing of the Day)


Time: — min

Message of Welcome and Opening Blessing

"We gather here today to witness the joining together of (Congregants Names) in unity as one spirit within love's warming embrace.

Marriage is a journey together through life and a way of saying 'I want to be there to witness your life,
and to take part, share, and explore all of life's possibilities with you, as we so choose, for better or for worse.'"

(perform 3 fold cross with holy water on their foreheads as their names are spoken)

"(Congregants Names) come forth together of free will and of definite consent before me and their chosen witnesses to
make that life long commitment before God, and before the spirits and our creator."

Words from Celebrants
While passing a bowl of rose petals (or something else of significance to the couple) from one person to the next each celebrant will say a blessing or kind words over this union and sprinkle the petals, or place the item of significance near them. The celebrants may themselves choose something that is significant to their union.

(Once finish all will say) "Blessed Be"

Lighting of the Unity Candle

Time: — min

"As you light your separate candles you honor your separate selves: your uniqueness and your autonomy. This candle represents the light of your being: your special talents, needs, visions, and gifts – all that makes you who you are. You honor all that is yourself with this flame.

As you blend your flames together to light the third candle, you celebrate the power of separate lights to ignite a common flame of passion and commitment, and to come together as one.

From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls are destined to find one another, their two streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being."

(each will light there own candle)
(then together they shall light the third candle)

Marital Promises

Time: — min (repeat for all congregants)

"A marriage begins with vows and promises that shall be spoken here today and will set forth the expectations for your futures together. Please hold hands as I continue:

"__, do you love ___ willingly and completely, holding back nothing? Will you protect her/his and give her your deepest considerations for her/his feelings, desires, and needs?"
"I will"

"Will you try to keep your love open and adapt to changing circumstances in your marriage? And will you be _____'s counselor, helpmate, sweetheart, lover, and best friend from this day on?"
"I will"

Exchange of the Rings

Time: — min

(each taking out their ring boxes and opening them to all)


"The wedding ring is a symbol of married love
The precious metals show that your love is your most precious possession,
and the unending circle symbolizes that your love may never cease."

"As you place the ring on her/his finger, please repeat after me:"

"______, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.
I ask you to wear it as a sign to the world that you are my wife/husband."

"You may now seal your vows and promises, as well as affirm your commitment to each other with a kiss."


Time: — min


"As people choose to set forth on this path called marriage, the most sacred and most holy bond that two people may share, we begin our lives over – and together in love looking brightly to our new futures together. Through life's many trials and tribulations you will find your love and relationship challenged and taken to new places; and by the glory of our creator and the spirits and all that he has in planned for you, may you, together, grow stronger in love and prosper to the greatest heights than a person can dream. As we all stand before you and the loving eyes of God, I bless this union, this marriage of souls, and all that comes of it. "

Announcing the New Family

"Having exchanged rings and exchanged vows, and with all of the power invested in me by the (Ordaining Authority), I, (Minister’s Name), now pronounce you, (Congregants Names), as husband/wives."

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